Helping Foster Kids Record & Heal...
The Power Plant Kidz Program was created by Beach Cities Rock Club owner and Recording Engineer Biff Cooper, along side his sister Kristin (Co-founder of the the band "The Flytraps"), & Close friend Punk Rock Musician Buck Llamas. Their program works to inspire and revive the hearts of teens whose lives have been ripped apart by drugs, violence, and alcohol abuse. A reality all too familiar for Biff's wife, Sarah Cooper, who was a homeless teen on the streets of Portland OR for over a year, and now pursues mentoring girls within our program. Power Plant Kidz is an expressive arts therapy program that encourages Foster Kids in the So-Cal Area to heal through recording music they've written. Participation in the creative arts has been proven to increase self-esteem, reduce anxiety, depression, and aid the recovery process for young people who struggle with substance abuse and abandonment; not to mention nurturing a productive work ethic, that will help them for the rest of their lives... If you feel called to contribute your time or finances to this cause, please fill out the contact form below or press the Donate button below. All donations are Tax Deductible..... |
Mission...Power Plant Kidz gives teens in the California foster care program the opportunity to record songs they've written in a professional recording studio. There, they explore various methods of music-making, including: songwriting, recording, music video production, mixing, mastering, vocal training, and more...
All donations are tax deductible.